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Huawei triple-screen smartphone launch date is here

Huawei surprises the tech world: The Chinese manufacturer’s innovative triple-screen smartphone is set to be unveiled next week. The announcement was made via the short message service Weibo and has experts sitting up and taking notice.

Huawei: Revolutionary folding smartphone on the horizon

The rumor mill has been bubbling for weeks, now it is becoming concrete: Huawei will present its long-awaited triple-screen smartphone to the public on September 10th. This surprising news was announced by the Chinese tech group at the Social media platform Weibo announced and caused a stir in the industry (via Android AuthorityRichard Yu, CEO of Huawei Consumer Group, took the opportunity to announce to underline with big words. He describes the new device as the company’s “most groundbreaking, innovative and disruptive product”. Yu even goes so far as to call it “epochal” – a product that the competition cannot produce.

Technical masterpiece with question marks

Huawei’s triple-screen smartphone promises to redefine the boundaries of mobile technology. With two hinges, the device can be folded into a Z shape and then shrunk back into a compact smartphone format. When unfolded, a 10-inch display is available – significantly larger than the 7.6 to 8-inch screens of current folding smartphones. It is noteworthy that the device seems to be surprisingly thin despite its complexity. Photos show Richard Yu with the smartphone, which, when folded, does not appear any thicker than conventional folding phones – on the contrary.

This would be a technical masterpiece. But despite all the euphoria, questions remain unanswered. How durable are the two hinges? How does the complexity affect battery life? And last but not least: How high will the price be? Rumors speak of a price range between 2800 and 4900 dollars (about 2534 to 4433 euros) – a sum that is likely to make even tech-savvy consumers hesitate. It also remains to be seen how the lack of Google Mobile Services will affect user experience. Huawei faces the challenge of offering a convincing ecosystem without the usual Google services.

Pioneering work

Huawei is not the first company to experiment with the concept of a triple-screen smartphone. In 2019, Samsung filed a patent for a device with three extendable screens. Other manufacturers such as Xiaomi and TCL have also shown prototypes. But Huawei now seems to be the first to actually bring such a device to market. September promises to be an exciting month for technology enthusiasts. In addition to Huawei’s presentation on September 10th, Apple will also be presenting something new with the iPhone 16 series on September 9th.

In addition, IFA 2024 is taking place this week, where more exciting technology announcements are expected. What do you think of Huawei’s foray into the world of triple-screen smartphones? Do you see it as the future of mobile technology or more of a niche product?

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