
Impact of Alzheimer’s disease on carers

Alzheimer’s disease is a neuron-based disease in which a person loses memory gradually. At the start of the disease, a person may forget names, things, or special occasions, but with time, it increases to the extent that the patient loses the ability to talk, walk, or respond to the environment. Those activities that are controlled by the brain are affected by this disease.

Older people are more vulnerable to the disease as compared to young ones. The disease typically starts at 60 and becomes severe with time. It is estimated that more than 44 million people worldwide are suffering from this disease. 1 out of 9 people, around 11% of the whole population above 65, suffers from this disease.

It is more prominent in America, whereas far 2020 there were around about 6 million people having Alzheimer’s disease. Those who have this disease cannot perform their daily chores or daily work. All of the activities that are controlled by the brain are affected so the patient needs a special carer to look for him. But there are some impacts on the health of the carer while living with the patient with Alzheimer’s disease.


Most of the caregivers with Alzheimer’s disease are near relatives of the patient. And a significant number of carers are old age people. They spent more than half-day caring for the patient. So by doing this unpaid work, they sometimes start losing their health and may face some financial issues.

Financial issues

Alzheimer’s disease patient needs almost 18 to 20 hours daily. They need medicine, food, and other stuff on time. Thus need a full-time free person. If the carer is the only bread earner of the home, it is more challenging to manage both financial issues and the patient. The carer has to give more time to one of them, either the patient or the job.

The carer has to take constant leaves from the job that may affect the working hour or even cause the person to lose the job. Thus, causing a lot of financial problems for the carers.

Impact on health

There was a survey conducted in the US where there were a lot of questions for caregiver interviews. They were asked different questions regarding their health and other issues they face while caring for Alzheimer’s disease patients. The carers came up with some health issues they believe they face while caring.

Sleep deprivation

74% of caregivers thought there had been a decline in their health while caring for the patients. Some of these health issues are caused by sleep deprivation or imbalance in the sleep routine. Because the patient does not have any specific time for sleep thus, making it is more complicated for the carer to look after them 24/7.

77% of the caregivers think they have sleep deprivation due to caring for Alzheimer’s patients.

Anxiety and depression

Most caregivers are near family members; when they see their family members in a dire situation, they start overthinking. Thus, causing depression and anxiety. There is a 60% ratio of stress and 40% depression in carers.

Depression can also be due to the overburden of caring. Giving care 24/7 can sometimes become hectic, resulting in extreme anxiety and depression. At this stage, the carers neither leave their loved ones nor can give full time to them.

Weight gain or loss

It is another significant impact on the bodies of carers. They either lose their body weight or gain it. It is mainly due to the time commitment. With the patient, the carer spends 24/7 time. They cannot go to exercise, nor can they do a proper exercise, thus resulting in gaining weight.

But there is some patient with sleep deprivation, and it can affect the sleep timing of the carer as well. So with less sleep and almost no proper diet, the carer can quickly lose weight. 66% of the carers believe they have lost or gained weight during caring.


So caregiving is not as easy as one can see from the outside. It can severely affect the social and personal life of a carer. There is a considerable risk of compromising your health if you want to be a carer. It can impact your mental and physical health. If a person can handle all these things alone, he should ask for help. Another family member can assist him in caring for the patient. Some institutions provide care for Alzheimer’s disease patients. The carers should consult these institutions as well if needed.