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Intel XTU: Intel Extreme Tuning Utility Tunes Intel CPUs For Over Cloaking

Intel Extreme Tuning Utility

The Intel Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel XTU) in the current version allows owners of a system with an Intel CPU, processor, and RAM to overclock, to subject it to stress and benchmark test, or to monitor various system values. Different configurations can be saved in the form of profiles and called up quickly at a later point in time.

For Intel processors only

Before installing the tuning tool, please note that it will only work on systems with an Intel processor. So if you have a CPU from AMD, you cannot use the program.

If this requirement is met, the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility shows an overview with various system information after starting and reveals, for example, details about the CPU, memory, graphics card, or mainboard. The tool also displays real-time data on the current CPU temperature, load, or frequency.

However, the manual tuning functions of the software are particularly interesting, with which, for example, the clock of the processor or its boost ratio and voltage can be changed. The main memory can also be tuned, here you can change the CAS latency memory timing or the memory multiplier, among other things.

You can use the integrated stress test to find out whether the system is still working properly with the new settings. This loads either the CPU or the RAM for a specified period of time and thus provides information on whether the system remains stable under load. A benchmark also shows whether the system is running faster than before after tuning. The results can be compared with other users online in the HWBOT community.

Various settings can be stored in profiles and thus quickly recalled at a later point in time. The profiles can also be linked to programs.

Comprehensive tuning software

If you want to overclock your system for better gaming performance, for example, you will find the right tool for this purpose in the Intel Extreme Tuning Utility – provided you have an Intel CPU. However, you should know what you are doing when changing the values ​​of the processor and memory, as incorrect settings could damage the hardware in the worst case.