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LinkedIn Introduced Salary Insights on Jobs

LinkedIn has recently launched a new way to assist its members to avoid going via the interview processes for jobs with salaries that do not tie or come anywhere near to their expectations.

LinkedIn announced the introduction of Salary Insights which would be adding approximated or expected salary ranges to the vacant positions. The salary ranges would either be obtained from the numbers provided by the employers or would be deduced from the data submitted by the LinkedIn members.

The feature is expected to roll out in the next few weeks.

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Salary Insights is the next feature unveiled after LinkedIn Salary, which was introduced by the professional network back in November 2016 for providing information to its users relating the salaries, equity data relating specific job titles, bonuses along with factors that effect upon salaries which includes industry, experience, education level, company size and location.

LinkedIn also informed that it would be reminding its users “periodically” to update their salaries so that the best and updated information is provided via the platform. The professional network added that the members can now even delete their salary-related information and details privately in their settings, repeating that this piece of information is always kept a secret to users and is never shared on an individual level.

Keren Baruch—senior product manager in a blog post said that the launch of the new feature indicates that we understand that salary insight is important for everyone on job listings. In fact, it was noted as per a recent survey that seventy percent of professionals want to hear about the salary or package detail in the first few messages from the employer.

Baruch added that by introducing this feature we are aiming to provide the more continuous application process by permitting the users to know whether a job meets their salary criteria or not before they could engage in talks with the recruiting manager.

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