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Meet the Distance Matrix API

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Surely, many novice users had a situation when both the abbreviation of the API and the API technology itself caused difficulty and misunderstanding. And even if there are many specific links on a particular site that are laid out “on the shelves”, ignorance of how all these work, leads beginners to certain stress. We do not set ourselves the task of going into the details of the functioning of the API interface, we only recall that various websites, programs, and applications are created not only for people.

Their users can also be other sites and applications. And this is logical – there is no need for each site or application to create the functionality that has already been created on another site or application. The API software interface just describes how different programs can exchange data among themselves.

The benefits of the Distance Matrix

Today the route services between various locations, calculating distances and time to overcome these distances are very in demand. And because of this, the users are constantly in search of the necessary API. We recommend to you our distance matrix service.

All products of our service are very popular and in demand and among them in great demand is the Distance Matrix API (DM API). For her, there are no barriers in the development of routes using any type of transport, as well as foot routes. However, often a simple laying of the route is ineffective. The key factor is not just the opportunity to choose the optimal route but also go through it in the shortest possible time. This is possible only then when users know relevant information about the situation on the route – how intense is the movement, whether are there circuitous movements, prohibited road stripes, reverse traffic, etc. Even if the task becomes more complicated and in the calculations, it is necessary to take into account several starting and finish locations, DM API will confidently solve such ambiguity.

Examples of demand for DM API.

Suppose a certain transport company constantly plans routes for its drivers to deliver various goods from suppliers and distributors to a warehouse or stores. The company in its work involves several drivers who start their movement from different starting locations. By sending a request to the API DM and receiving a response with a developed route option, it is much easier for the manager to use the driver who is closest to the place of receipt or delivery of goods in the route.

The next example concerns the work of a courier company. Routes are usually planned there not only for cars but also for bicycles and even for couriers who move on foot. This means that not only the traffic conditions can be different depending on the different modes of transport or foot traffic. In some cases, couriers can travel by public transport, and this is also successfully planned with the help of the API DM.

Let`s continue. Some company organizes the delivery of food from restaurants, the location of which is closest to the customers. In this case, the DM API will be indispensable too. Every day, several hundred orders can be processed on the company’s site application. And here the most critical criterion is the delivery time, which often has to be just several minutes. DM API will not only calculate the optimal route but also send it in response to the client`s request in less than one second.

Continuation on the site

The proof of the necessity and usefulness of the DM API is not limited to the examples above, the range of its applicability is much wider. And this is all the more valuable because using the DM API is not difficult, it does not require special knowledge and skills, nor does it require special infrastructure. It is enough for users to understand what an HTTP request is, and also to get their unique identifier or API key.

How a request should be made, which parameters are mandatory, which ones are recommended, how to get an API key, which versions of the API are paid, and which ones are free – our users can find all such information on the service website. For their convenience, there is detailed documentation about various products of our service, the set of the latest news, useful videos, and blogs