
Microsoft Lists App Is Now Available For Private Users

Microsoft has now released the task management app “Microsoft Lists,” which was previously only available for company accounts, for everyone. The application can be downloaded for iOS and Android or simply used on the web.

There is no restriction on business accounts

Microsoft Lists launched back in 2020 and was initially limited to business and enterprise users. A limited beta phase for private users started last year – now the app is available to everyone.

All you need is a free Microsoft account and you can get started. Lists are available as standalone apps for iPhone, iPad, and Android devices. We have added download links at the end of this post. Alternatively, Lists can also be accessed via the web interface.

Microsoft List App is interesting for private users because it not only offers pure list creation but also offers a number of templates that are perfect for private use. These include recipe templates, travel planners, and gift lists.

You can easily share all lists via email, although the other person also has to sign in with a Microsoft account to access the web view. With Microsoft Lists, you can easily create and manage lists across devices. Shared lists can be edited by multiple people.

Switch list view

Microsoft Lists has a basic, grid-like list view. Alternatively, you can use a calendar view or switch to a task-specific layout, similar to Asana and Airtable. Created lists can also be exported to CSV files to make it easier to import data into other applications and services. The scope of services is quite extensive despite free access.