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Microsoft to use AI to bring sounds to search results

Well, it seems another effort to differentiate between Google and Bing, the software giant is now focusing on AI that could be used in the search engine in so many different ways, from outlook to identify important emails to Word to help you write smart sound memos.

If you ask Google “Will China lead AI” it will bring up Forbes and Financial Times articles, in some instances, it will bring up Quora where people have asked the same questions and many people have answered those questions.

But Microsoft believes it could do better with search results, now the company will integrate more nuanced answers to the queries which are powered by Artificially Intelligent Software specifically designed to identify various viewpoints.

Harry Shum, Microsoft’s head of AI said, it will not only bring more answers to the queries on top but also it will amalgamate more perspectives to the search results, he said that during the event in San Francisco on Wednesday, adding “Search has really moved on, it is no longer 10 blue links on your first page.”

Bing is not a popular search engine in the market, it only represents less than a third of desktop market. What big difference it can make with limited market share? is still in question. But the effort to bring in more innovation is appreciable.

The growth of fake news and fact-checking websites can be a good reason for this change, and in a world where facts are debatable themselves. Microsoft is now positioning itself in the middle of answers and intelligent answers, AI-powered intelligent answers could be the real breakthrough.

Kristina Behr, who works with partner companies for Microsoft’s AI project said, “At Microsoft, we believe it is really important to know where the information is coming from.”

Behr experimented few queries and got the following results:

Behr typed the query “Facts about Kale” into Bing search and got the bullet points extracted from various websites including a new partnership with Reditt to extract information from social network “Ask Me Anything”.

Then she typed “Is good Kale good for you? Bing came up with two answers, pros and cons a good point for debate, so I don’t have to live in a bubble that Kale is always amazing, she added. These are just a few examples how Microsoft’s AI works in search results, the company is focused on pushing this technology to a greater extent including conversational bot programs. Microsoft has used AI to the range of its products including apps, the AI in apps can translate documents, recognize friends and read documents out loud.

Some apps can identify currency and colors as well as tones to identify brightness of your surroundings, said Microsoft.

The company is still in a process to train the AI more deeply so it can be used in the wide range of products including automatic email sifting, Excel data sorting and much more.