Momo from the viral hoax is getting its own movie

Momo, the viral hoax that overwhelmed the web the previous summer, has dependably seemed as though it had a place in a blood and gore movie. Presently it will star in one. Due date announced that Orion Pictures is arranging a motion picture dependent on Momo, the unpleasant looking character at the focal point of the Momo Challenge. The venture will be created in association with Vertigo Entertainment and will be driven by Taka Ichise, one of the makers of The Grudge.
Subtleties on the genuine film are inadequate, so it’s not clear how it will be portrayed on screen. Be that as it may, it’s truly safe to expect it’ll be pressed with scares. The venture will combine Taka Ichise and Roy Lee, the pair that recently cooperated on The Grudge and The Ring establishments.
The hoax first came to conspicuousness a year ago when nearby news reports began to caution guardians about the supposed Momo Challenge. As indicated by the reports, kids would get messages on WhatsApp and different stages requesting they do what is asked of them or face a visit from the evil entity, the dreadful, human-bird hybrid that is in reality only a statue called Mother Bird. At times, those messages solicited the children to commit acts of viciousness or self-hurt. The issue is that scientists discovered the Momo Challenge wasn’t especially across the board and no youngsters really harmed themselves or others as a result of it. The Momo Challenge was basically a deception, however dread of it transformed Momo into a real popular sensation.
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