Mozilla Firefox Browser Removed Compact Mode

Mozilla is currently working on a new look for the Firefox browser. With the design called Proton, the developers apparently also want to remove compact mode from Firefox. According to Mozilla, this option is rarely used because of its hidden location.

Firefox currently still has the option of adjusting the height of the tab bar and the navigation bar. The mode can be changed from “Normal” to “Compact” or “Touch” via the Customize menu. With the compact mode, the controls take up a little less space so that the window with the currently open website can be displayed larger. The upcoming Proton design is intended to significantly increase the standard size of the tab bar and the navigation bar.

Read More: Mozilla Adds Proton Design Elements In Firefox Browser

Nevertheless, the developers have decided that compact mode should soon disappear from the browser. The setting should only be used by a small number of users. The hidden placement in the customize menu is likely to be responsible for this. The compact mode mainly plays an important role if the user has a monitor with a height of 768 pixels.

Many users use more than 768 pixels

As a Bugzilla post shows, the height of 768 pixels is only used by 31.7 percent of Firefox users. About 61.6 percent use a height of more than 768 pixels. Therefore Mozilla considers the standard mode to be sufficient.

Not all Firefox users seem to be enthusiastic about the abolition of the option. It remains unclear whether Mozilla will actually remove compact mode from its browser. If the setting is no longer available, users can always switch to alternatives. It is for example possible to create a compact design with the help of the ‘userChrome.css’ or to adapt the browser via the ‘about: config tab.