Mozilla’s new attempt with PWAS

Mozilla integrates progressive web apps (PWAS) in Firefox: The browser follows an alternative approach in which websites behave like desktop programs, but remain in the browser context. The implementation initially starts for Windows.
Web apps can restart right in Firefox
Mozilla is doing one new attempt Integrating progressive web apps (PWAS) in Firefox. After a failed first attempt, the team is now developing a solution that differs from the competition. The concept enables users or developers to transform any websites with just a few clicks into desktop applications. Unlike Chrome or Edge, Firefox deliberately does not hide the browser.
The web apps receive their own symbol in the Windows Tasybar, but remain closely connected to Firefox. Current applications keep their condition – even if users switch between different windows. The navigation is limited to the respective domain, while external links automatically end up in regular Firefox windows. Exceptions are only login processes and necessary forwarding.
The “Link Capture” feature represents a special feature: If a user clicks on a link to a page installed as a web app in a normal Firefox window, it automatically opens in the corresponding application. The web apps are also fully integrated into the taskbar under Windows. Users can attach the applications there and quickly access it via the start menu or the Alt+Tab view.
The new functionality is currently in the development phase. Interested parties can be activated and tested in current Firefox Nightly Builds via the experimental flag browser.taskbartaktaks.enabled. The technical implementation for MacOS proves to be more complex and will only be carried out in a later phase. So far, Mozilla has not communicated a specific schedule for integration into the stable Firefox version.