
National Treasure Drinking Game: Adding Fun to a Classic Adventure

“National Treasure,” the 2004 adventure film starring Nicolas Cage as the intrepid treasure hunter Benjamin Franklin Gates, has become a beloved classic for its blend of history, action, and intrigue. For fans looking to add an extra layer of enjoyment to their viewing experience, the National Treasure drinking game offers a fun and engaging way to revisit this cinematic gem. Here’s a guide to get you started.

Setting Up

Before you begin, gather your friends, ensure everyone has their favorite beverages, and prepare for a night of treasure hunting fun. Remember, drink responsibly and know your limits. This game can be played with alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks, depending on your preference.

Basic Rules

The rules of the National Treasure drinking game are simple: take a sip, drink, or finish your drink based on specific events or actions that occur during the movie. Here’s a list of common triggers to watch for:

Take a Sip When:

  1. Someone Mentions a Historical Fact: Every time a character drops a historical fact or piece of trivia, take a sip.
  2. A Clue is Discovered: When the team finds a new clue that propels their quest forward, take a sip.
  3. The Declaration of Independence is Referenced: Anytime the Declaration of Independence is mentioned or shown, take a sip.
  4. Riley Makes a Sarcastic Comment: Riley Poole, Ben’s tech-savvy sidekick, often provides comic relief with his sarcasm. Sip whenever he delivers a witty remark.

Take a Drink When:

  1. Ben Gates Says Something Inspirational: Ben often delivers motivational speeches about history, treasure, or family legacy. Take a drink when he gets particularly inspirational.
  2. A Historical Figure is Namedropped: Drink when a character mentions a famous historical figure such as George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, or Benjamin Franklin.
  3. The FBI Appears: Whenever the FBI, led by Agent Sadusky, shows up, take a drink.
  4. A Puzzle is Solved: When the team successfully solves a puzzle or decrypts a code, celebrate with a drink.

Finish Your Drink When:

  1. A Major Revelation Occurs: If the film hits a pivotal moment with a huge discovery, like finding the treasure, finish your drink.
  2. The Treasure is Found: When the ultimate goal of the treasure hunt is achieved, finish your drink in celebration.
  3. Someone Betrays Another Character: There are a few double-crosses in the movie. Finish your drink when betrayal happens.

Additional Tips

  • Pace Yourself: The game is meant to be fun, so make sure you’re not overdoing it. You can modify the rules to suit your group’s preferences and drinking capacities.
  • Know Your Limits: Always drink responsibly. Ensure everyone in the group is comfortable with the rules and knows they can opt out or take breaks as needed.
  • Hydrate: Keep water on hand to stay hydrated throughout the game.

Wrapping Up

The National Treasure drinking game is a fantastic way to add excitement to an already thrilling movie. By following these rules and keeping the focus on fun and responsible drinking, you and your friends can enjoy a memorable movie night filled with laughs, adventure, and camaraderie. So grab your drinks, gather around, and let the treasure hunt begin!