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Netflix Forcing Users To Buy New Subscription

It has been known for some time that the streaming service Netflix is ​​giving up its previous entry-level subscription with a resolution of 720p and wants to encourage affected customers to switch to Premium (4k), Standard (1080p) or Standard with advertising. Now things are getting serious.

Netflix’s basic subscription will soon be history

Back in the spring, it was announced that Netflix was going to give up its cheapest subscription to date. Up until now, customers have only received announcements or warnings about this, so there was at least a theoretical chance that the company would change its mind – at least users who no longer want to pay but also don’t want advertising could hope for that.

But that’s over now: According to several users on Reddit, they received emails a while ago asking them to choose a new account. At the time, however, it was primarily returning and new users who were affected.

But now the streaming service is tightening the screws even further. One Redditor writes that the company is trying to force him to sign an alternative plan quite aggressively – and is no longer allowing him to use the one he is currently running (which is possibly or even probably a bug).

Continue watching the rest of your subscription only with a new plan

“Netflix won’t let me watch the last few weeks of my subscription without having to resubscribe. There’s no way to continue watching without choosing a new plan,” writes user BritestBowlingBall, showing an image that tells him that his last day of subscription is July 13. On a subsequent page, you’re asked to choose a new subscription, but you can’t skip the selection.

According to The Verge , such reports have only been reported from Canada and the UK, but it can be assumed that this will soon apply elsewhere. Specifically, this means that Netflix subscribers have the following three subscriptions to choose from: Premium (4K) for 19.99 euros per month, Standard (1080p) for 13.99 euros, and Standard with advertising for 4.99 euros per month.

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