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With the new Facebook Messenger app users can send or request payments in groups

Facebook Messenger App - Group Payments Now Easier To Transfer

With the new Facebook Messenger app, it’s now easier to send or request payments in groups. Thanks to the social media giant and Venmo.

Venmo, which is a mobile payment service owned by PayPal, partnered with Facebook back in 2015. The social media giant integrated the app in their Messenger and entered a larger crowded space.

Previously, this Facebook Messenger-embedded app was available to transfer payments on a peer-to-peer basis. But now users could transfer payments in groups.

How to transfer payments with Facebook Messenger app?

  1. Users would need to link their debit card with this app (a one time step)
  2. Request or send money by manually selecting friends in a group (whenever the transfer is made)

When sending money, this Facebook Messenger app would ask users to enter a pin. Thi additional step ensures security of users’ debit card details. Though, no such action is required when receiving money.

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The request generated in a group would be seen by all. So it could perhaps become an embarrassing moment. This app could reveal users’ secrets.

Facebook considers this a big step. They’re always into building an online community. And this is why they added this payment app in the Messenger in the first place.

Users can use this new feature on desktop and Android-based devices. An iOS update would soon be released.

However, this peer-to-peer and now peer-to-group payments-making app is just limited in the US. The company hasn’t rolled out if they’d spread this payment making service worldwide.

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