Nokia Mobile held a virtual launch event back in later March. In that event the company announced the launch of its first 5G Android smartphone, the Nokia 8.3 5G. The phone presented as an attractive device with decent specs and worth noting Polar Night color option. The exact availability of the phone was not announced.
However, Nokia Mobile said that the device will be launched in Summer. The global average price of the phone would be 599 euro.
Must read: Nokia Launches Its First Smart TV Partnering Flipkart
Now Nokia Mobile tweeted, “Ready for 5G? The soon available Nokia 8.3 5G allows you to play games without distraction, stream films and share content – all in 5G.”
It is expected, as per a few teasers on social media that Nokia 8.3 5G might be available in some markets during June. Some retailers have also claimed that the phone might launch around June/July.
Usually a 3-month delay in a phone’s announcement and its actual release can make the phone almost obsolete, however with the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic, the delay seems to be natural.
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