OnePlus makes a significant move for the future of small phones

In the smartphone market, each product is different from the other in terms of features and form factors. About ten years ago, smartphones with bigger displays, like more than 5 inches, were considered too big. It now appears like the 5.7-inch display screen has become standard. Certain users prefer small phones. However, smartphone manufacturers are less interested in manufacturing devices with smaller displays. The 5.4-inch iPhone 12 Mini, for example, was released by Apple, but it was then abandoned in favor of the iPhone 14.

One of the main reasons for this is the way a smartphone is used by a consumer. Before the arrival of smartphones, users preferred voice calls but now they rely on text messages more. This is because smartphones have large keyboard letters that offer fewer problems with typing.

Samsung, on the other hand, still produces small phones, and while bigger displays have their benefits, it’s vital to remember that those with little hands may find it uncomfortable to operate a large-screen phone. For example, the screens on the Galaxy S21, S22, S23, and S24 are somewhat smaller, coming in at 6.1 or 6.2 inches.

According to the information shared by Digital Chat Station, OnePlus will debut a new phone with a small display screen. The tipster shared the latest details on Weibo. Given the fact that it is just preliminary information, it should be treated with caution since there are no details about the model name, features, or release date of the phone. The company might debut it in the coming months.

For quite some time now, smartphone manufacturers have been more interested in larger phones. It is good news since there could be a revival of compact phones. The recent offerings by Xiaomi, Xiomai 13 and Xiaomi 14 feature a 6.36-inch screen. The small screen size doesn’t impact the image quality; it generates an image with a pixel density of 460 ppi. To compete with Xiaomi, OnePlus ought to introduce a competitive product on the market.