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Online College Admissions: PITB App OCAS Used By More Than 700 Colleges


Online College Admissions System (OCAS) a web-based application launched by PITB has becoming popular among public colleges, nearly 700 colleges are registered and using the app for online enrollment of students applying for FA, FSC and ICS programs. PITB has developed this app for Higher Education Department (HED) Punjab aimed at delivering robust admissions process, OCAS has processed over 1 million applications in the past few years.

For the next academic year, after BISEs out their results the OCAS would be made available for intermediate admissions of 2017 at public colleges. This online initiative primarily focused on enhancing speed, improving efficiency and ensuring transparency.

OCAS is a web-based system which allows applicants to submit their applications online to their desired colleges. The systems is built to provide convenience at both ends, applicants can avoid visiting various colleges and hand-in their applications while spending whole day travelling, printing, photocopying and filling applications. On contrary, colleges can easily receive the applications in their database and manage the applicant’s data in a robust manner.

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A collaborative initiative by various organizations including PITB, 9 BISE’s of Punjab, HED and Bank of Punjab allows them to integrate into one single platform for delivering ultimate solution for admissions process.

BISE matriculation data of students is entered into the system, applicants can access this data with minimum information such as; Roll no, BISE and year. Candidates need to fill the online application in order to apply for any college on the system, candidates can also download and print the fee slip from the system.

PITB spokesperson said, the systems brings ease and convenience for all, key objectives of the system is to reduce the number of visits to colleges, keep the process clean and transparent, minimize the workload such as; preparing the merit list, paper work and all data handling activities.

The system can be accessed 24 hours a day 7 days a week from anywhere in the world with just internet connection, users can track applications status through college website they have applied.