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Oxygen OS OTA for OnePlus phones adds a lot of performance upgrades

Oxygen OS

The most recent Oxygen OS OTAs are taking off for the OnePlus 5, OnePlus 5T and OnePlus 6. Oxygen OS 9.0.3 for the OnePlus 6 incorporates a large group of performance upgrades including camera fixes and another Bluetooth equalizer.

OnePlus has been truly wrenching out the updates in the course of recent weeks, with the Open Beta Program getting specific consideration. With the OnePlus 6T getting a Bluetooth Equalizer, the group has now ported that over for OnePlus 6 clients in Oxygen OS 9.0.3.

The updates are comparative however the OnePlus 6 gets a couple of core element updates over the OnePlus 5 and 5T – which is not out of the ordinary given it is a more up to date handset. Of these enhancements, the standout fixes will no uncertainty be the by and large enhanced camera performance– particularly in Nightscape mode.

Past camera upgrades, the OnePlus 6 gets the December 2018 security fix and some VoLTE connection profiles for Bouygues users in France. At that point, there are some Bluetooth and Wi-Fi dependability increases which are constantly welcome.

OnePlus 5 and OnePlus 5T clients additionally get Wi-Fi stability upgrades, however, observe the greatest updates to the display. There are sRGB and Reading Mode optimization close by Screen Casting fixes.

The majority of this update data comes specifically from the Official OnePlus gatherings where Manu J broadly expounded on the update for the OnePlus 6 gadgets and both OnePlus 5 gadgets.

As is quite often the case, these updates are being taken off in stages, so expect an OTA notification in the coming days. You can manually check by making a beeline for Settings > Software Updates to check whether you can force the update as well.

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