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Pakistan bans thousands of URLs for unlawful online content

unlawful online content

Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) – accepting complaints against unlawful online content – has so far blocked around 824,878 URLs under the Prevention of Electronic Crimes Act (PECA).

The Authority got complaints against unlawful online content including hostile to the state, hostile to the legal executive, blasphemy and so forth and to deal with this immense job, has built up Cyber Vigilance Division (CVD).

As per PTA’s’ yearly report 2018, a Standard Operating Procedure (SoP) for lodging complaints and their disposal has been produced likewise and every single such content which are facilitated on unsecured sites is in effect right now taken care of through telecom administrators of Pakistan and same would be finished by PTA itself through a computerized framework in future.

Actually, any content which is unlawful and facilitated on secured site is taken care of in an unexpected way.

The prevalent online networking sites like facebook, youtube and twitter and so on are a couple of instances of secured sites which are facilitated outside of physical limits of Pakistan.

In such manner, PTA has grown close contact with every such stage to honor demands made for expulsion of such substance.

It is appropriate to make reference to that users of web based life must act capably while utilizing and getting to such stages and should respect standards of society and traditions that must be adhered to.

If there should arise an occurrence of questionable content is seen by any user, these stages are available to get protestations from significant users specifically.

Those dissensions which are not tended to by these stages in first example can be accounted for to PTA at info@pta.gov.pk for heightening the issue.

It is referenced here that truly and dominatingly, PTA has been acting under duties and rights given by Pakistan Telecom (Re-association) Act, 1996. Be that as it may, with the improvement and development of World Wide Web (www), PTA has been depended upon duties regarding blocking/evacuating of any content proclaimed unlawful under important arrangements of law.

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Image via Inforrm’s Blog