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Pakistan-India Talk: Members from both the nations talk of ways to improve governance with technology

In a recent Pakistan-India talk, representatives from both the nations stressed on promoting the use of advanced technologies to improve governance in both countries.

The two neighboring countries have always been found opposing each other since their independence. Sometimes it’s the violations of LOC and sometimes trade routes become a threat to abandon friendly talks. But a recent technology meeting in Dubai says otherwise.

A meeting was held in Dubai recently, where members of Parliment from Pakistan and India participated. This was the 11th round of  Pakistan-India Legislators and Public Officials Dialogue on “Technology for Better Governance in Pakistan and India“. The members talked on the utilization of modern technology to improve systems in the two countries.

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A fair statement from one of the members was highlighted when he said,”The real changes in structures of governance to guard against corruption and other systemic ills must accompany and complement the use of technology to improve governance.”

With technology, not only the countries could implement a better system of governance, but this would also help in building new opportunities. Both the countries have been competing with the rest of the world and have shown their potential. And if they build a system of combined efforts, these two growing countries could do much better.

Dr. Arif Alvi, PTI MNA, was also one of the participants. He noted that where technology can build friendly opportunities, it could also ruin the paths to success if misused. How a country or an individual use the modern technology defines the way he/she thinks.

This Pakistan-India talk also brought to attention the ways to create new technology routes to bring Pakistan and India closer, while ensuring the security and privacy of data of every person involved.

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