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Qualcomm Buttering About Android Phones Was A Failed Attempt To Bring Apple Down

As iPhone launches iPhone X today, Qualcomm just released a blog post that praises and shares info on all Android features that came before iPhone. The blog post highlights “Android first brought to you by Qualcomm.”

Qualcomm shares that the unique features of iPhone X, OLED display and bezel-less-design are an achievement of Qualcomm.

As per Qualcomm “Inventions from Qualcomm lay the foundation for so many technologies and experiences we value in our smartphones today — on Android and other platforms.”

Apple and Qualcomm had a patent license dispute going for quite some months now. The timing of Qualcomm for praising Android and back lashing Apple is not at all coincidental. Apple releases its much-awaited phone today and Qualcomm tells us that whatever Apple is offering is either already offered by Android or it’s because of Qualcomm.

Now as per Qualcomm their list “is by no means exhaustive,” and it does appear that a lot of misinformation is shared by Qualcomm. Galaxy S8 and Note 8 have Bluetooth 5 but Qualcomm report said that LG’s not-yet-released V30 will be first to launch Bluetooth 5. Similarly, Qualcomm feels that HTC One M7 had a dual-camera system though it didn’t.

Read also: All tech giants side with Apple in Apple Qualcomm battle

The point that Qualcomm is right upon is that Android phones did introduce many technologies that came later in Apple phones.

Apple’s reactions to this have always been that they are not running to be number one, they introduce features when they are up to company’s standards.

The blog post ends like this “We’re working on inventing the next set of world firsts and collaborating with partners across the industry to get them into your hands, on a band around your wrist, or with lenses for over your eyes. Here’s to the next generation of mobile device start-ups and innovators, competing to bring you the next wave of class-leading Android devices. As before, they’ll continue to pave the way for others to come.”