Rewarded Products by Google Play might let you earn in-app items

On the off chance that you’ve played a mobile game, you’ve likely had the choice to pay for access to a more elevated amount or obtained some sort of in-game cash. Or on the other hand, you may have viewed an advertisement in return for those advantages at no expense. Today, Google Play propelled Rewarded Products, a less demanding route for Android developers to offer gamers free perks (think: advanced levels or coins) in return for “monetizable action,” like watching promotions.
The feature of Rewarded Products is not yet known when to be available to the general user population.
This training is as of now a typical path for developers to benefit when gamers would prefer not to pay genuine money, however, as an official Google Play offering, Rewarded Products should make life simpler for developers. It’s additionally a path for Google to contend with comparative outsider entities. It’s accessible now in beta, and it very well may be added to any application utilizing the Google Play Billing Library or Android Interface Definitions Library (AIDL).
For gamers, this implies you may be provoked all the more every now and again to take “monetizable action” – however, to begin, the main activity Rewarded Products bolsters is watching advertisement videos. As TechCrunch called attention to, even with the free perks, some may shy away from advertisement videos assuming control over their entire screen. However, with mobile application store incomes anticipated to reach $71.7 billion by 2020, developers are simply hoping to make their cut.
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Image via Neuro gadget
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