
Rumor Is That Facebook Will Soon Launch Its Very Own Smartphone

As per the rumors, Facebook is working to launch its own smartphone. This news is circulating as some papers were found by cyber sleuths. In January Facebook unit filed a trial application of an unknown device that has speakers, camera, touch screen display and microphone. The summary part of the paperwork filed along with US patent officials read that the functions of the modular electromechanical device could be altered using different functional modules present in the device.

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There has been a lot of talk in past years that whether the biggest social media tycoon use its fame and launch its own smartphone. Facebook officials have always rejected such speculations and refused to comment on them.

Looking into history, Facebook has a hardware team supervised by Regina Dugan. Dugan worked in Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency as a Director. This agency recognized and invests in technologies for national security. Also, Dugan led highly advanced projects at Google as well and experimented with modular phones in a venture called Ara. Ara was tested and Google gave up on the project in the previous year.

In April Facebook released a project to link cameras in our smartphones with augmented reality. Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook talked about augmented-reality in annual developers conference in Silicon Valley saying that camera of the smartphone provides a promising stage for augmented-reality features. Zuckerberg seemed confident to move ahead and push forward the augmented-reality platform. He said that cameras would be made the first mainstream augmented-reality platform.