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Samsung Galaxy S20 Receives Android 11One UI 3.0 Update

The time has come. Earlier than expected, Samsung started delivering the upgrade to Android 11 and the new One UI 3.0 for the Samsung Galaxy S20 series smartphones. Samsung has announced the update for several Galaxy devices recently.

If you use the software update function in the settings on a Samsung Galaxy S20, Galaxy S20 + or Galaxy S20 Ultra purchased in Europe to search for a new update, you should be able to upgrade to Android 11 now. It doesn’t matter whether you use a 4G or 5G model.

The update package has a designation in the style of G98XXXXU5CTKG, where the X stands for a different letter or number depending on the model. Those who have already participated in the beta program will only receive around 180 megabytes. With a normal upgrade, the smartphone downloads a 2.12 gigabyte package. If you have to pay attention to your inclusive data volume, you should update via WLAN.

OneUI 3.0 comes with Android 11

With the update to Android 11, the new Samsung One UI 3.0 also finds its way into the Galaxy S20 series. The manufacturer has made more cautious innovations during the update and only changed the design slightly. Nevertheless, one tries to optimize those parts of the interface that the user gets to see particularly often. The main focus is on the most important information and clearing up takes place.

A full list of changes in One UI 3.0 will be available on Samsung’s website as soon as it is published there. Anyone with an older Samsung smartphone calls his own, has to wait until next year. From January the manufacturer wants to tackle the updating of various other models.