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Face-Off: Self-Hosted Blog Vs. WordPress Hosted Blog

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Many blogging experts prefer to own their blog instead of hosting it on WordPress.com. The latter option does not give you any kind of control over your blog. It can be shut down without any solid reason and you don’t have any legal remedy available. So, is self-hosted blog better than WordPress hosted blog? In this post we will make a comparison between these two.

Why You Should Get a Self-Hosted Blog?

It Gives You Control

A blog hosted on WordPress frustrates its owners as they cannot do a single thing to modify it. Simply, you don’t have any control on your blog. You are not allowed to modify the source code of the core and any other elements. But with your self-hosted blog, you have full control.

It Allows You to Work with Any Design

In case of WordPress hosted blog, you have limited choice in theme selection. There are just 150 themes including premium and free ones. However, once you have applied some theme, you are not allowed to make any kind of modification in it. You can make some tweaks in CSS but you have to pay for it. On the other hand, self-hosted blog eliminates these limitations.

It has Numerous Handy Plugins

With a self-hosted blog, you can choose any blogging CMS like WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. There are plenty of pre-installed plugins in these CMSs. They have other free and premium plugins’ list as well. By installing these plugins, your blog not only performs better but it has improved search engine ranking as well.

It is secured from Arbitrary Shut Down

This is the most significant argument in favor of self-hosted blog. No one has the authority to pull the plug and you have complete control over its software and hardware. However, a blog hosted on WordPress is very unpredictable as they can shut down it any time with single click.

It Allows You to Work with Ad Networks

With WordPress hosted blog, you are not allowed to post your own ads. Also there are no official solutions available to remove this obstacle. But on self-hosted blog, you can easily monetize your site by working with different ad networks.

Why You Should Get a WordPress Hosted Blog?


It is an Easy and Quick Way to Start a Blog

You have to learn lots of technical stuff for starting a self-hosted blog. Majority of blogging experts argue that WordPress CMS is easy to learn but not for a novice. Launching a blog on WordPress.com is more straightforward than self-hosting. Setting up a functional blog is a time consuming process but not with a blogging platform.

It Automatically Updates

You don’t have to worry about updates and their installation as everything is happening in the background. When you are managing your own blog, you have to schedule these updates and test them before applying.

It can Take Care of Itself

Even if you are able to set up your blog and schedule its essential updates, you have to constantly maintain it. You have to perform so many tasks on daily basis like clearing plugins, deleting cache, managing .htaccess entries, updating theme with latest HTML and so on. WordPress hosted blog saves you from this hassle.

It is Free from Server Compatibility Issues

If you want to work with WordPress CMS, the web hosting server should support PHP v5.2.4 or higher and have MySQL database with v5.0 or higher. Even if it has these specs, it might not be optimized to run WordPress. That’s why web hosting companies are now offering managed WordPress hosting which is expensive than regular shared hosting. But WordPress.com servers are optimized to handle the software.

Image credits: grow.cheap