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Sony working on self-charging Playstation controller

The limited battery life of the PS5 controller is a small annoyance for many gamers. Sony is now working on a surprising solution that could make it completely superfluous by cable or in the dock. There is already the technology for this.

Innovative charging technology for Playstation controller

It was only in autumn 2024 that Sony had raised prices for his dual sensense controller for PlayStation 5. The gamepads had not been improved. But now Sony apparently thinks about it exactly and is looking for new paths to simplify the topping up of the Playstation controllers. This is how a currently appeared describes patent A dual sensense that is supposed to supply itself with electricity.

Never again to the charging cable

The patent document describes a controller in the typical dual sensual design, which is equipped with several photovoltaic elements. These solar cells convert light into electrical energy and store them in an integrated battery. The controller could therefore theoretically collect energy if it is unused on the desk or windowsill.

How, Tech4gamers shows in its analysis of the patent, this technology could address one of the largest weaknesses of the current dual sensual controller. Because the gamepads officially have a very limited battery life of six to twelve hours. While Microsoft relies on interchangeable batteries for Xbox controllers, Sony has previously used firmly built-in batteries. If the energy goes out during playing, a Playstation controller must either go to the cable or gamer for a second controller.

Challenges of solar technology

However, the practical implementation raises some questions. Because how efficient could the solar cells work in artificial light or diffuse daylight? The energy supply could be particularly critical if power -hungry functions such as the adaptive triggers or the haptic feedback are active.

However, the integration of solar cells into input devices is not new. Computer mice and remote controls with this technology already exist today. However, these devices require significantly less energy than a modern gaming controller with its diverse functions and the permanent radio connection to the console.

From the idea to the product

Even if a self -recurring controller sounds promising, a patent does not mean the market launch of a product. Technology companies like Sony regularly secure the rights to innovative concepts without implementing them later.

A solar -powered variant of the dual sensual, which actually ensures that players never have to worry about the battery level of their controller, would be an enormous improvement. Would a solar-powered Playstation controller be practically in everyday life or just a nice gimmick?

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