Sony’s PlayStation Experience is not happening this year

Sony’s PlayStation Experience occasion won’t occur this year. Sony Interactive Entertainment Worldwide Studios Chairman Shawn Layden affirmed the news Friday on the PlayStation Blogcast, noticing that it was a “hard decision.”
“Now that we have Spider-Man out the door, we’re looking down in 2019 to games like Dreams and Days Gone but we wouldn’t have enough to bring people all together in some location in North America to have that event,” he said. “We don’t want to set expectations really high and then not deliver.”
In the course of the most recent four years, Sony’s PlayStation Experience has gone about as an exhibit for future games, so fans seeking after more subtle elements on significant launches, for example, The Last of Us Part II may be disappointed.
There’s a possibility Sony will have a few declarations at Paris Games Week in late October, however, Layden said that while the organization is making a “lot of progress” with its forthcoming titles, it’s not prepared to uncover substantially more about them.
Layden additionally talked about the cross-play beta test for Fortnite, and whether the usefulness would touch base for different titles.
“Once we can prove that this is all holding together sturdy and well, I would anticipate seeing other games in this service over time,” he said.
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