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Tesla To Enter S&P 500 Index Soon

Finally, Tesla will join the S&P 500 stock index which encompasses major US stocks starting December 21st. The announcement that arrived yesterday evening immediately caused the share prices of the American electric car manufacturer to surge. This news had been awaited for some time, indeed, many analysts expected that Elon Musk’s company could enter this prestigious index a few months ago.

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However, things did not go as planned and Tesla was unable to enter the S&P 500 stock index despite having managed to achieve four consecutive positive quarters (one of the fundamental requirements to be able to enter the index). At the time, however, it was clear that this was only a postponement. According to what is reported in the official note, Tesla will replace another American company within this list even if, at the moment, it is not known which one. This is a detail that will be communicated later.

In order to enter the S&P 500, companies, among other things, must meet specific requirements including being headquartered in America, having a capitalization of at least $ 8.2 billion, and having at least 50% on the market. of actions. Elon Musk’s company today has a capitalization of approximately $ 387 billion, higher than that of “giants” of the caliber of Toyota, Disney, and Coca-Cola. For Tesla, inclusion in this equity index is very important not only in terms of image but also because it will allow it to expand the investor base. More details of the electric car manufacturer’s inclusion in the S&P 500 will be announced later.