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Three young Pakistani get Queen Young Leaders award


Three young Pakistanis got the renowned Queen Young Leaders award for their community service at a ceremony held in the British capital. Haroon Yasin, Hassan Mujtaba Zaidi, and Mahnoor Syed got the honor in a function presided by Queen Elisabeth II.

The honors are given to young pioneers from crosswise over Asia, Africa, Europe, the Caribbean and Americas.

Hassan Mujtaba is the founder and official executive of Discovering New Artists, as indicated by their site. DNA is a non-profit association set up in 2011 that gives free instruction to underprivileged kids. Art for Change is an International Child Art Competition and Exhibition established in 2014 to build a bridge between the privileged and underprivileged communities of all across the World and support marginalized children in their education.

Mahnoor Syed made the start-up, Spread the Word to furnish workshops and has worked with Khwajasira Support Program. The program envisions a transgender community that faces no discrimination, a plan that could be achieved with a support system. The program has several stages, starting with social engagement and provision of a small income supplement (Rs.1200) to the most vulnerable.

Haroon Yasin is director of Orenda that utilizes innovation to give improve models of learning to underprivileged kids, as indicated by their site. They have developed an education model that is useful for children. The program is taught through animation, reinforced through play based learning and tested by exams.

The honor is presented on meriting young people who make constructive commitments to their networks. Youth over the Commonwealth are presented the honor in light of their administrations to their particular networks or nations.

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Image via Jubilee tribute