
Top Errors Back End Developers Commit

This post is intended for anybody who writes any sort of backend code, regardless of experience level, proficiency level with the whole stack, or if they mostly create frontend code and sometimes write backend code on any given platform. Here, you can discover the most common errors committed by backend developers.

Top Problems Back End Developers

Although errors are simple for developers to make, we may avoid them if we are aware of them in advance.

Embark on a Friday

We shouldn’t deploy on Friday if we don’t want to spend the weekend troubleshooting issues. Any deployment has risk, therefore we should always pause to consider our options if there is no immediate danger. We are never able to foretell how events will play out. Furthermore, we don’t want to disregard any problems that arise over the weekend to deal with irate clients on Monday.

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Incorrect input validation

It’s crucial to validate server-side input. They fulfill two functions. They are essential to both ensuring security and preventing the storage of faulty data. We must block SQL injection attacks so that attackers cannot execute harmful code in our databases. Additionally, we should evaluate the input data to ensure that it is in the format that we need.

If we don’t, then we’ll probably encounter issues elsewhere. The majority of back-end frameworks need to have the capability to handle both out of the box, which will save us the trouble of having to develop all of the validation code from begin.

Ignoring scaling and performance

Scalability and performance should always be taken into account on the back end. When we have too much data, we don’t want our systems to crash.

Caching, background processing of time-consuming tasks, pagination, etc. should thus be taken into account. We can avoid overtaxing our servers by doing these things.

Our program won’t function properly if it’s overloaded since it won’t be able to fulfill user requests.

RESTful Anti-Patterns are used

REST APIs must adhere to certain fundamental best practices. For instance, they may use HTTP verbs that correspond to the database operations they are doing. Data should be retrieved using GET, created using POST, updated using PUT and PATCH, and deleted using DELETE. So, nobody will be confused about what our code does.

Moreover, the appropriate HTTP status codes must be sent by our endpoints. For effective operations, use the 200 series. Errors in the 400 series are client-side errors, whereas errors in the 500 series are server-side errors.

For example, 401 stands for unauthorized, 403 indicates that we are prohibited from accessing a resource due to a lack of rights, 404 stands for not found, and 502 indicates timeout problems.

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Not using background processes that use a lot of resources

The background processing of resource-intensive tasks like report generating and bulk emailing is recommended. All of them need a lot of resources, making it challenging to complete them simultaneously without significantly slowing down our app.

If we have tasks operating in the foreground that keep users waiting for a long period, consumers will get irritated. Therefore, to prevent our servers from being overloaded, we need to batch these resource-intensive processes and establish background jobs for them.

Utilizing bandwidth inefficiently

In all conversations, bandwidth utilization should be kept to a minimum. We may be transferring huge amounts of data or photos across several distant servers, for instance.

Before transmitting anything, we should compress everything to reduce bandwidth use and improve the transfer process. On the receiving server, they may then be decompressed.

Identity Verification and Authorization

Authorization and authentication are two distinct concepts. Perhaps nobody is aware of it. Simple verification of the ability to enter into a system using legitimate credentials is all that authentication entails. We provide users privileges via authorization. Make sure users don’t have more permissions than necessary by checking their access rights. 

For instance, an ordinary user shouldn’t be permitted to read the private profiles of other users. That’s permission. Simply ensuring that the login, password, or other information we must input to access a system is legitimate is authentication.


If we’re undertaking back-end work, we should stop before making these errors. Performance, scalability, input validation, and error response with the appropriate status code are all important considerations.