Top reasons why Google PPC campaigns are not working well

Google PPC campaigns are expensive to run and marketers always worry about their return on investment. But the question why PPC campaigns are not working daunts every new marketer. A study reported that around 70% of advertisers do not get the desired results from PPC campaigns and 40% of them only use the PPC campaigns for just increasing website traffic. Many people regard PPC campaigns as a waste of money. All this is because most marketers are unable to retain, engage and convert the traffic they generate. Here are the top five reasons why you are not able to convert PPC traffic.

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1- You are choosing the wrong keywords

Selecting and shortlisting the keywords is an art in creating Google PPC campaigns. You should spend a lot of time and energy to select the keywords. You should know what are the different consumer search patterns, what is the traffic estimate and what is the competition for the chosen keywords. Choosing the wrong keywords also generates a lot of traffic but all the clicks would be wasted and would not help you to convert.

  • Use keyword planner tools but do not thoroughly depend on it
  • Do some extra research for keywords using the search engine and grasping the competitors positioning
  • Choose medium traffic and medium competition keywords
  • Select those keywords that are strongly related to your product or service

2- Your Title and Descriptions are wrong

The second most common mistake lot of advertisers do is the title & description incompatibility with the Keyword. This means your ad’s title and description does not match with the keyword you are using or you have the title/description that does not contain your focused keyword. If you have these mistakes in your ads, your click-through rate CTR would be very low and even if you get clicks most of them would be wasted.

  • Make sure your chosen keyword is in the Title and description
  • This way you will have to create a lot of different ads and ad groups
  • Create different ads with a different title and description for different keywords
  • Be specific with your Title and descriptions according to your product, service or offering

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3- You are using wrong match type keywords

When your campaign is ready to launch, under each ads group section you can see all the keywords that are assigned for those ad groups. By clicking on the keyword you can see the keyword match type. There are three types of keyword match 1- exact match 2- phrase match 3- broad match, now if you use broad match type is very good if you are looking to just increase the website traffic without other conversion motives. But it will be quite expensive and waste a lot of money if you are considering conversions as well. Using phrase match type and creating variations in your targeted keyword would keep you on the track and generate decent traffic that would eventually convert. Exact match keyword is only to use when you got enough experience in creating PPC campaigns and you know exactly what people would search and what exactly the keyword is. Exact match type will be a specific targeted campaign that would generate lesser traffic, would save costs and if applied efficiently would generate conversions.

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4- You are not linking the right URL with the ad

When you are after starting a new campaign always look for the URL you are going to put in your ads. Putting homepage URL may not always work well. I have witnessed many PPC ads running on Google that have the same issue what I am talking about. You may have other pages on the website that are more relevant to your ad than other ones. Always look for the most appropriate URL for each ad.

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5-Your website is not Mobile responsive

It is estimated that in the UK more than 60% of people who have internet access search their interests on mobile phones almost every day. This could be, more or less the same situation in Europe, the US and Canada. If you are sending traffic to an unresponsive website, you may run out of your budget before any conversions. Mobile users will eat your budget without giving you a handshake or saying thank you.

6- Your Landing page is not compelling

One of the most important things “The Landing Page” has to be persuasive in order to generate leads and conversions. Your landing page should possess the following attributes:

  • Rich and powerful content
  • Content relevant to ads and campaign
  • Compelling and persuasive content
  • User-friendly
  • Call to action

It is suggested that the landing page should exclusively be created/updated for the purpose of PPC campaign keeping the conversion targets in mind.

image credit: research snipers