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Toyota Funds The Car Flying Project By Japan

Toyota is all set to back Japanese engineers working on a flying car project. The group called Cartivator is working on it and Toyota is now giving around 42.5 million yen to it.  The project is being done using drone technology. They want to construct a three-wheeled sci-fi car that will use drone technology to fly. It is expected that this project would be launched as Japan hosts Tokyo 2020 Olympics.

Till now the engineers working on this mega project used crowd funding for is development. Now the Nikkei Asian review report has confirmed Toyota’s support to the project.

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2.9m by 1.3m, it will be the smallest flying car in the world as per the claims of the manufacturers. The flight speed is projected to be 100km/h and it is expected to travel 10m above the ground.

It is not developed by a business tycoon or a multinational, 30 volunteers are working on the flying car project, and they call it Skydrive. They hope that the prototype would be used to light the Olympic flame as Tokyo hosts Olympics in 2020.

Flying car seems like a fascinating and imaginative idea that we can only expect in fiction movies. Now firms from various countries including Japan, US, Germany, China and Netherlands want to create reality from fiction.

Image via: Norriannews