Twitter Now Begs To Bring Back Fired Employees

The fact that the takeover of Twitter by the entrepreneur Elon Musk is quite chaotic is now also clear from the fact that attempts are being made at short notice to quickly bring back employees who have been laid off.
Just a few days after the takeover of the platform, in the course of which a number of important managers had already been laid off, numerous employees were also laid off. After all, around half of the workforce was summarily thrown out. Shortly thereafter, however, the new group management noticed that with the now enormously thinned workforce, it would hardly be possible to continue the day-to-day business.
Various fired Twitter employees were then contacted over the weekend and asked if they didn’t want to come back after all. This emerges, among other things, from a report by the US news agency Bloomberg. But corresponding reports are also circulating on various other platforms – including, of course, on Twitter itself.
More work with fewer people
A picture emerges from the various reports, according to which many employees were fired in a rush job without checking to what extent their work is actually important for the development of the platform. For example, they are now trying to get people who had important tasks in the development of the iOS and Android apps to come back to work.
Because of the takeover, two contradictory directions came to the company headquarters at once: Elon Musk wanted to implement a significant thinning out of the workforce on the one hand, and also to come up with new features in the short term.
However, who should then implement the latter at the desired speed remained unclear. As a result, people who had been made redundant were then contacted, who should now decide over the course of the weekend whether they want to return to their workplace on Monday.
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