Videoconferencing Surges on Microsoft Teams

Microsoft has said that the number of calls being made on Microsoft Teams videoconferencing software has surged thousand per cent in March as people are working together online owing to the coronavirus epidemic.
It also said that a new record of 2.7 billion meeting minutes has been made in a single day on the software’s platform.
Jared Spataro, the Vice President of the Mircosoft 365 corporate has said in a post that they have been inspired by the ways their customers are linking with each other during meetings on Microsoft Teams.
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Videoconferencing has become the recent fashion for work and social life as people around the world are at their homes for avoiding the spread of the deadly coronavirus.
The teams is competing with the online video and meeting services hosted by the competitors which include Facebook, Zoom, Google and Cisco.
Recently Mircosoft has indicated that Teams has got an update. As per the update people would have the ability to change their background condition.
More Read: Microsoft Teams video chat now has custom backgrounds
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