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WannaCry Ransomware Cyber-Attack Has Now Entered In Pakistan

The terrible WannaCry ransomware Cyber-attack has now entered in Pakistan as well. The global attack by hackers that infected 300,000 computers in 150 countries, has reached a Pakistani government owned insurance firm.

It is a warning for more businesses and companies in Pakistan that the cyber-attack that we assumed was a far-off problem is now inside our home. The state owned insurance company has confirmed the cyber-attack. As this news is verified therefore the company is taking all possible precautions. They have told their employees not to open any computer without the aid of IT experts. Being careful is the only thing possible now to avoid complete meltdown of the systems.

Read also: 150 countries hit by Cyber-attack

The cyber-attack that hit the world on May 2017 infected computers from Russia, Spain, US, UK, China, Spain, Taiwan, Italy and Vietnam. Pakistan was not hit initially but now this news is alarming for the whole nation. As per the experts, this whole virus is based on an NSA-developed tool that was disclosed to the public by a group named Shadow Brokers. This worldwide spread virus imprison sensitive files and demand ransom in Bitcoin for freedom.

It is also expected that another cyber-attack is underway, which would be double more perilous compared to this cyber-attack. Can the virtual world fight their own creation or not? Would any anti-virus clear the consequences of this virus and all upcoming ones? It is too early to say.

Image via: Business Standard