Although WhatsApp is one of the best platforms for messaging, it still lags behind in terms of features when compared with Telegram. Telegram has always been a step ahead of WhatsApp, as it provides a series of user-friendly features when it comes to chatting. WhatsApp has recently introduced a larger group communities feature that was already available on Telegram. In the upcoming update, WhatsApp is working on WhatsApp channels that will work as a newsletter tool, which is also inspired by Telegram.
As we were hearing some updates regarding the newsletter feature in development, it was expected to be released any time sooner. According to a report from WABetaInfo, the newsletter was renamed channels before its release to the public.
This latest feature of the WhatsApp channel is available in the latest update as a replacement for the status on the main screen. WhatsApp status from now on will be available in the form of horizontal carousels, just as we see them on Instagram. Within the section present below status updates, you will be able to see a list of brands along with creators that you have subscribed to.
Although you won’t be able to reply to these one-way newsletters, they are not encrypted in that scenario. But it doesn’t make any difference with the privacy in any form, as the people who are enlisted in your contacts aren’t even able to see those newsletters that you have subscribed to. Handles, like Instagram and Twitter, will be used in terms of making these channels more accessible.
For now, the relative feature to communities currently is broadcast, which is subjected to being used at the creator’s end as the must condition is to have your number saved by the creator in order to not lose your messages in the void. This might be a drawback of this feature, as dealing with these broadcasts in a form of personal chat isn’t working in every situation.
The latest feature of WhatsApp will be available in the app’s latest version, v2.23.8.6, for Android. For now, this feature is in the process of development, so you really need to wait to get it on your devices.
On the other hand, Telegram has already had this feature for many years and has created some of the largest communities through it, such as The New York Times and some other channels that will be sending you some wallpapers, quotes, and more on a daily basis. We can only hope for WhatsApp to reach out a bit sooner for this feature and own communities like these, as with the number of its active users, it won’t be that difficult to compete.
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