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You can now change your name on Twitter


In the event that you’ve for the longest time been itching to utilize every one of your names, false names, titles and suffixes on Twitter, now’s your opportunity to shine. The social media network now supports display names up to 50 characters long. It would’ve been exceptional if the element turned out last Halloween so you could’ve utilized that magnificent yet extensive spooky name you needed to utilize. Nonetheless, rolling out support for 280-character tweets appeared to be more essential to Twitter, so we got that first.

Twitter recently capped off the limit from its tweets as well

Since Twitter has such a large number of more profound issues, it’s getting a considerable measure of fire for presenting features that appear to be inconsequential in comparison. It keeps on grappling about abuse and harassment on its site, counterfeit accounts made to impact the US Presidential Elections and in addition accounts made by terrorist associations to spread publicity.

Just as of late, it needed to suspend its verification procedure when it confronted backlash subsequent to confirming the account of the pioneer of the Charlottesville racial supremacist rally. A few users even exploited the stage’s display name extension by changing their names to include “#wouldpreferthatyoubannazis.”

If you want to change your name on Twitter here is the link .

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