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YouTube introduces the ‘Live Q&A’ feature to effectively manage the live streams

YouTube Music

Livestreams on YouTube channels are becoming a trend.

Aimed at this trend, YouTube has crafted a new feature for the creators of the platform namely the ‘Live Q&A’ feature. This feature is designed to manage the audiences in a better way. It enables the creators to effectively handle the questions that subscribers ask them during a Livestream. Given the prospects of real-time interactions, the YouTube Live Q&A feature is another addition to improving the communication between the creators and viewers.

The YouTube Live Q&A feature could be equally used both during premiers and livestreams. When creators utilize the YouTube Live Q&A feature, a prompt will appear in the form of a pinned message in the chat box. Any viewer could submit their queries. Afterward, the creators can select any question and pin it. It will help the audience to better understand to whom the creator is responding.

Remarkably this is a way too convenient strategy for creators to handle the queries given the livestreams. Comparatively, creators had to go through a number of questions asked during a live session. The new YouTube Live Q&A feature will arrange the questions. Thus, improving the standard and experience both for the creator as well as the viewer.

Once the creator is done with the Q&A session, they can enable the standard live chat. Using the feature requires scheduling or beginning the live stream. To enable this feature, follow the given steps:

  • Click the “+” icon under Live Chat [Live Control Room]
  • select the option indicating “Start a Q&A”
  • Type the prompt you want to show in the box
  • Click “Start Q&A”
  • Your prompt will become a pinned chat, and your viewers could present their inquiries.

One more interesting thing to note here is that the questions will be ordered in a chronological way. The questions that were submitted first will appear right on the top. However, there is no limitation to the number of questions that could be asked.

Until now the YouTube Live Q&A feature is available for desktop only. It is not available across mobile devices. Additionally, the details of live Q&A won’t appear in the YouTube Analytics. The viewer can submit one query per minute. However, we could expect modification to this feature in the future as Google continues to work on it.