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YouTube videos with kids get thrice as many views as videos without kids

YouTube is a platform where users can upload, view, share and comment on videos and subscribe to different informative channels. It offers a variety of video clips, music videos, TV shows, documentaries, dramas, movies, live streaming, and whatnot.

Most content on YouTube is uploaded by individuals especially children are taking up the platform with their talent and skills. According to Pew Research Center, a study says, in the first week of 2019, videos in which children under the age of 13 were featured brought thrice the views and likes as any other content by a youngster.

This study came after a week when Google accomplished multimillion-dollar settlement with the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC) on violating the child data privacy laws on YouTube.

The allegation led to the FTC investigation concerning about the protection of children’s data. YouTube doesn’t allow using a platform to be used by under 13 children. According to Pew Research, 43,770 channels uploaded the videos and 250,000 subscribers subscribed the channels.

Around quarter-million videos were uploaded and 48,486 hours were spent in watching. “A single person watching videos for straight eight hours without a break needs more than 16 years to watch all the posted content by the channels”. Moreover, finding says 18% of English language videos were related to gaming.

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These were of longer duration than the others. Interestingly, words such as Fortnite, prank and worst expected views five times more views than the simple content without the mention of these words.

This is how viewers are attracted. In the early months of the following year, Wired also reported the role of pedophiles in luring the children in the comment section. So we should be careful in following the masses on YouTube.