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10 Ways How to Increase your AdSense Earnings

If you want to increase AdSense revenue here are some tips for you.

10 Ways How to Increase your AdSense Earnings

Location and Size of Ad

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In order to increase the number of clicks on your ad and hence increase the earning it is important to place your Adsense ads around the main content or pinned at the top half of the front page.

Also, it is important that the ad size is proper. The best sizes are 336*280 that is a large rectangle size, 300*250, 728*90, or/and 160*600.

Search Engine Traffic

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The ads perform the best when most of the traffic is from search engines. Adsense ads perform less if there is more direct traffic.

Read also: Google AdSense Alternative Media.net Acquired And Brought New Hopes For Publishers

Add Revenue Source

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Adsense offers many ways as to how the makers can monetize their site. They need to try and avail all ad type. Adsense for Search is an option that helps users monetize and ensures user navigation.

Targeted & Relevant Ads

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It is important that ads shown through Adsense are relevant to your website or content of your article or page. Once the ad is relevant to the content more people will click on it increasing Adsense earnings.

Add images & text Ads

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Don’t block any category of ads be it image or text. Use both kinds of ads to provide variety to the users.

Match Page Background With Ads

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It is important that the Adsense ads fit in with the content background and color to increase Adsense revenue. It will make readers feel that the ads are part of the content. Use 468*60 image ads or text link ads in the posts. But there needs to be ample space between the ad and the content.

Ad Placement Targeting

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Ad makers are given an option to add details about their ad type and put it for auction through placement targeting.  Through this ad value increases. Placement targeting manually log in to your Adsense account, tap my ads, custom, custom channels and then click on the names. A screen will show, add details and put a checkmark at placement targeting.

Block Adsense Blacklist URL’s

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There are advertisers out there who pay extremely less per click. If the ad maker knows the sites that offer less or have low performance then he/she should block that advertisers link or URL. Blocking them will improve the revenue.

Category blocking Feature

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Block the categories that are not performing up to the mark. In the new Adsense interface, it is much simpler to block the categories. Those categories that have low earning percentage should be blocked.

Adsense for Youtube:

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Use YouTube publisher program to monetize the videos you make. The videos that you have copyrights of can be used to earn money. If your YouTube videos have enough traffic, it can be utilized.

Experiment: It is important to experiment and test to see which feature or above-mentioned tips work best for you. Change colors, add creativity, experiment, and keep trying for best results.