25 Best sites to share your content in 2019

Great Content? Amazing writing? Good Vocabulary? But how to share it so that people can read your hard work. Well, here we will tell you about the 25 best sites to share your content in 2019.
Facebook is the best site to share content in 2018, 2019 and hopefully soon. Facebook in itself is a society with different people having different communities/friends. If you want to share content, Facebook will be the most appropriate platform in the present era.
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Facebook Groups
Other than reaching out to friends within your Facebook community, you can share content and reach out to other communities/friends through Facebook Groups. Facebook Groups offer a wider range of followers with whom any content can be shared. Some groups are Open and some groups you need to request for joining it. Once part of a Facebook Group, you can share articles, photos, any and every content with the Group members.
It is an amazing professional app for sharing content. Business to Business content sharing becomes easier through LinkedIn. If you want to reach out to professionals through your content, this is the best site to visit.
LinkedIn Articles
You can share articles under your personal LinkedIn Profile. The content will be read by your LinkedIn followers, allowing you to reach out to more and more people.
LinkedIn Groups.
Similar to Facebook Groups, LinkedIn also has LinkedIn Groups that allow people to join in and share content relevant to the group. Before requesting to join a group, read about it, its guidelines and then see if it’s relevant to your expertise/skills or not.
A highly popular and credible platform that allows users to share content through tweets. Twitter can be used to share content at both company page and personal page. Along with this Twitter Chats are also another way through which content can be shared with the experts in the market.
Other than an app to post pictures and videos, content can also be shared on this app. You can add the link of your most famous article or content on your Insta bio so that people can click on it and read it. Similarly, Instagram stories can be added, through which users can swipe up to visit the link of the content you have shared.
Snapchat works the same as the Instagram Stories do. Users can add the link to the content and people can swipe up and visit the content.
To share content on Pinterest you need to create a Pinterest account and share content. Also through shared Pinterest boards, you can distribute content. Through shared boards, more traffic is generated.
Videos are rapidly becoming the best way to share content. How to guide, how to do, videos are recorded and uploaded on YouTube. Also, links are added in the YouTube videos to allow users to read the content.
Anything you post on YouTube can also be posted on Vimeo. Vimeo does not have the reach of YouTube but its audience is more mature, thus content through videos can be shared on it as well.
If you share content effectively on Reddit, it can reach to masses. Reddit community does not appreciate self-promotion, thus when promoting on Reddit be as honest, authentic and valuable as possible.
Blog posts can be shared through SlideShare as well. You need to turn your article into a presentation and then upload it on Slideshare for it to reach the audience.
Google+ is not a prioritized social media website for users or businesses to share content but it still has its attraction. If you share content through Google+, it can reach out to a certain audience.
For readers and publishers, Medium is a famous site. But you need to submit content to a renowned Medium publication. The publications already have a substantial audience, so if your content is published there it will reach out to the audience.
Digg is known as the “homepage of the internet”. If your content is published somewhere on Digg, it will reach out to the people.
Zest.is is a comparatively new place to share content but it has potential to improve. The content shared here is reviewed first before it is published or shared. Thus the site is credible and shares relevant content only.
This site has an up-vote and down-vote button that allows which content is shared on the front page and which one is not suitable or appropriate for reading.
This community features content specifically relating to IT, computer science, technology, and entrepreneurship. If you are looking for such content you must visit HackerNews.
Product Hunt
Looking for new product releases, news about products, content, packages, this is the most resourceful site for this.
With 690 million monthly visitors, Quora is a question and answer website that allows you to share content by answering the questions of the people. You can create an account on Quora, share content and follow relevant content.
Yahoo Answers
It is similar to Quora Q-A community but it does not have as many monthly users like that of Quora. Yahoo Answers allow users to share content by answering questions of the people and reaching out to them.
Triberr is another site that allows bloggers to connect and talk about core topics. People share and support each other’s content on Triberr.
Earlier called StumbleUpon, Mix.com is a site that displays the top content from all over the internet. If your content is shared on its front page, it will be read by thousands.
Blog Engage
On this website different blogger and writers rate and comment on different articles. A popular article will have a good rating and viceversa.
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