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Google takes off another project in Africa to boost connectivity


Google’s work to help network in Africa will incorporate endeavors to give WiFi to Nigeria. Before the end of 2019, the search giant will reveal somewhere in the range of 200 hotspots to places like transportation center points, shopping centers and colleges in five urban communities the nation over. It’s a piece of a more extensive push to bring Nigeria on the web, which incorporates a couple of different updates.

Google has been a strong champion of white space wireless as democratizing broadband access: its long-range nature can bring people online when the local internet framework isn’t always reliable, if it exists at all. The company is about to illustrate that potential through a new trial in South Africa. A trio of base stations at Stellenbosch University in Cape Town will supply ten nearby primary and secondary schools with internet access to prove that white space access can work without affecting TV signals. To make sure it won’t, Google is picking the safest frequencies from a database and is measuring the results for the sake of both nervous broadcasters and the Independent Communications Authority of South Africa.

And another project aimed at African residents gives a more consistent method for reading and responding to email from their mobiles, Google launched Gmail SMS in Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya.

To sign up, simply head over to the “Phone and SMS” settings page in Gmail, add your mobile number and complete a verification process. Once enrolled, the service will automatically forward all email to devices as text messages. The service could even be useful for those that do have access to Android, iOS or Windows Phone devices — data outages can cripple smartphones, forcing users to turn to phone calls and SMS to connect with family, friends and colleagues.

A week ago, Google reported that Loon (neé Project) would begin giving balloon based network access in Kenya beginning one year from now.

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