Samsung is facing heat for its advertising in Australia

Samsung is being sued by an Australian consumer watchdog over deluding claims in its advertising. The advertisements demonstrated individuals swimming in pools and surfing in the sea with their Galaxy telephones, driving clients to feel that they could securely swim or surf with their gadgets.
Regardless of what the advertising materials inferred, Samsung telephones can’t endure being submerged in something besides fresh water. On the organization’s site, it says that the Galaxy S10 series can resist dust and (fresh) water for 30 minutes at depths up to 1.5 meters. Obviously, the little print on Samsung’s site said that its Galaxy series telephones are “not advised for beach or pool use.”
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) was especially unmoved in light of the fact that the issue of water resistance is a major selling point in Australia.
A now-removed post on Samsung’s Australian website said: “Samsung Electronics Australia Vice President of IT and Mobile Richard Fink believes water resistance is something that ‘should come standard’ on mobile phones released in the Australian market, given our lifestyles.”
“Samsung showed the Galaxy phones used in situations they shouldn’t be to attract customers,” Chair of the ACCC, Rod Sims, said. “Under the Australian Consumer Law, businesses cannot mislead consumers about their products’ capabilities.”
This goes ahead the impact points of a harsh period for Samsung, with the CEO conceding that he pushed the dispatch of the Galaxy Fold before it was prepared, prompting a large group of configuration defects. The organization is likewise being blamed for misleading advertising about its labor practices. It is confronting a claim in France over reports that it utilized under-age laborers and that conditions in its Asian manufacturing plants were damaging, notwithstanding claims on its site that it clings to “a strict global code of conduct to all employees” and that it practices “ethical management… [w]ith an aim to become one of the most ethical companies in the world.”
Read this Samsung anticipates another slump in its profits
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