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Android Malware Found Hidden In 60 PlayStore Apps Download For 100 Million Times

OwnMe malware

Using a trick, hackers managed to circumvent Google’s security measures and inject malware into Play Store apps. Malicious code was found in 60 legitimate apps. Together, the programs have been downloaded around 100 million times.

According to Bleeping Computer the apps were infiltrated with Android malware Goldson. The malicious software was integrated into a library used by the developers of numerous applications. The apps affected include “L.POINT with L.PAY”, “Swipe Brick Breaker”, “Money Manager Expense & Budget”, “Pikicast” and “Korea Subway Info”. A complete list can be found here.

McAfee security researchers have discovered that Goldoson spies on users of infected smartphones. For this purpose, data on installed apps and devices connected via WLAN and Bluetooth are collected. Furthermore, the GPS location of the user is tapped. After the malware runs, it connects to a server owned by the hackers. A retrieved configuration determines what data Goldoson should transfer. The malware is also used to click on advertising banners and thus generate income.

The Library removed from the apps

The developers of the affected apps have been notified of the security issue and asked to replace the third-party library. All apps that still contain the malicious code have already been removed from the Google Play Store. Anyone using an affected app should delete the tool or install the latest update.