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AVM optimizes the online monitor in FritzOS laboratory versions

AVM has now released new experimental updates for six FritzBox models, including for the first time for the FritzBox 4040. Users can benefit from improvements in the online monitor and VPN connections, among other things.

New laboratory updates for FritzBox models

The updates also bring a number of bug fixes and new functions for the Internet, Mesh and the system in general. The updates are starting for the FritzBox 7530 AX, 6690 Cable, 6660 Cable, 6591 Cable, 4060 and, for the first time, the FritzBox 4040. These are test versions that are part of the development for the upcoming FritzOS 8 and bring a number of improvements and new functions.

Focus on the FritzBox 4040

Particularly interesting are the new features for the FritzBox 4040, which has now been included in the laboratory program. According to the release notes published by AVM, the most important changes include:

  • Support for IPv6 data over WireGuard VPN tunnels
  • New online monitor for monitoring Internet connection and network devices
  • Revised mesh overview with additional features
  • Improved user interface with graphical display of connection status
  • Extended push service with revised design

General improvements

Depending on the FritzBox, the lab updates fix various bugs and implement improvements. These include corrections to the display of port forwarding in the online monitor, fixing problems with date formatting when the language is set to English, improvements to the display of IPv6 prefixes in the network settings and optimizations to the mesh function when connecting to a FritzRepeater.

Additional functions at a glance

The lab updates also bring a number of new features:

  • Extension of parental controls: Possibility to extend online time by 45 minutes
  • Visualization of Wi-Fi usage over the last seven days
  • Individual naming and symbol assignment for devices in the home network and guest access
  • Increase in simultaneous DECT calls from three to five
  • Improvements in the Smart Home area, especially for FritzDECT 350

The lab versions play an important role in AVM’s development process. They allow the company to test new features in a controlled environment and get feedback from experienced users before the features are released to all users in a stable version. For users who are interested in the latest developments, these lab updates allow them to benefit from improvements early on and provide feedback.

The update packages can be downloaded from AVM. However, it is important to note that these are test versions that may not run stably and are not recommended for use in critical environments. What do you think of the new lab updates? Are you excited about FritzOS 8 or would you rather wait for the final version?

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