Home » Technology » Battlefield V 64 player battle royale mode is coming this March

Battlefield V 64 player battle royale mode is coming this March

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Following quite a while of pausing, Battlefield V’s for some time promised (yet obviously missing) battle royale mode is almost here. DICE and EA intend to make Firestorm accessible on March 25th to all players, and they’ve revealed more insight into what the mode will include in a reveal trailer (underneath).

The 64-player battle royale mode will happen on the biggest Battlefield guide to date, Halvoy, and will allow access to some fairly bizarre favorable circumstances on the off chance that you complete objectives. Obviously, a farm tractor conveying cannons is one of your alternatives. You can likewise anticipate helicopters, tanks and one-time perks like V-1 strikes.

As appeared in a leaked video, Firestorm still exemplifies the greater part of the natural qualities of battle royale games. When you’ve dropped into the map, you need to scavenge for gear (arranged by various quality dimensions) and battle off foes as you’re pushed consistently nearer together by the namesake Firestorm.

Regardless you get the opportunity of being resuscitated like in many titles, despite the fact that you’ll get a Battlefield-style sidearm to fight off individuals while you’re down.

You won’t get the full Firestorm experience immediately. It’ll give you a chance to play in four-player squads or independent from anyone else, however, duos should hold up until April. All the equivalent, it’s a major advance toward satisfying the objectives DICE and EA set for BFV a year ago. The planning isn’t too perfect, however. EA’s other battle royale game, Apex Legends, is as yet going gangbusters – it might be hard to reel individuals into a paid games when Apex offers a lot of thrills for nothing.


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Image via Game Slaught