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Careem Introduces Insurance Policy For Its Customers And Captains

Careem has come up with another exciting and well-planned offer for its customers. In a Facebook post yesterday, Careem management wrote:

“When you’re driving your own car, you’re covered by auto insurance policy. But what happens when you’re in the backseat? The good news is Careem has now got you covered during your ride.

The well-being of our Customers and Captains is of utmost importance. Hence, we are proud to launch a first-of-its-kind policy where Captains and Customers are insured in the event of accidental death, permanent/partial disability, and bodily injuries due to in-ride road accidents.”



So now the insurance of the Customers and Captains is covered in case of any accidents or injuries that occur during the ride. Taking responsibility of your drivers and people is a great step by the ride hailing service.

All Ten Pakistani Cities that have Careem services are included in this offer. Also, this service is offered in Egypt and KSA along with Pakistan.

Recently Careem also introduced monthly packages for the users and now it has come up with another offer of insurance of its passengers and driver.

Read more: Monthly packages now offered by Careem

Will these steps make up for the blunders made by Careem like Rishta aunty Service and Pizza Hut fake discount offer or not is too early to say but one thing is for sure if Uber wants to remain in the competition it needs to come up with unique offers and services as well for its customers.