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Hackers Stole Game Of Thrones Unaired Script From HBO

HBO, the famous U.S. cable channel reported that an upcoming programming was stolen by hackers while Entertainment Weekly said that the programming included a script of an episode of the popular ‘Game of Thrones” that has not been aired yet.

HBO refused to make any comments on the programming stolen.

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A message was written by HBO Chairman Richard Plepler to its employees, the message goes like this

“As most of you have probably heard by now, there has been a cyber-incident directed at the company which has resulted in some stolen proprietary information, including some of our programming.”

The management of HBO didn’t make any comments on whether episodes unaired are part of the data hacked, only this was mentioned that investigation is going on by unnamed law enforcement agencies.

As per Entertainment Weekly report, data around 1.5 terabytes have been stolen some of which has already been posted online. This includes episodes of “Ballers” and “Room 104,”. A script or action of next week’s episode of “Game of Thrones” is also expected to be posted online.

Moreover, an email was received by Reuters from an unknown person claiming that he has stolen the data from HBO including Game of Thrones not broadcasted episodes.