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China Will Dump Apple Products If the U.S. Bans WeChat: Lijian Zhao

Lijian Zhao

What the U.S. plans next is the ban on Chinese social media app WeChat in the United States. Trump’s administration after restricting Chinese companies from the US market now has more plans. Earlier President Trump gave 45 days deadline to the Chinese companies including TikTok And WeChat to sell their US businesses to US companies or face a permanent ban on the apps.

However, the deadline was extended to 90 days but still, there is no progress on acquisition deals.

Today, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian appeared in a press conference and said that “Chinese people would dump Apple products in China if WeChat is banned in The United States”. He further said that Trump Administration is abusing the power to suppress the non-us businesses which are not in the interests of consumers as well as U.S. Companies.

Wall Street Journal has reported that U.S businesses operating in China fear a lot about their future, Trump’s decision to ban WeChat would hit the U.S. companies where it hurts the most. U.S. companies would not be able to survive after this development.

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