Collaboration Of IBM Business & UCAR To Bring Advancement In Weather Prediction Globally

IBM business, Weather Company collaborates with University Corporation for Atmospheric Research and the National Center for Atmospheric Research to improve weather prediction around the world. This news was announced at the International Supercomputing Conference held in Frankfurt.
Aim of the alliance
- Develop cutting-edge models that will run on future IBM supercomputing technology
- Bring best meteorological science from The Weather Company
- Computing expertise from IBM Research
- Community weather model and Open POWER-based supercomputing systems from NCAR
A global view of weather along with a view of particular area could be combined through Model for Prediction Across Scales
IBM POWER9 SuperComputer
The collaboration of three companies would bring a new supercomputer in to the market called IBM POWER9. Through this computer the researchers would be able to make both short-term and long-term thunderstorm forecasts months in advance.
The weather models run through supercomputer that could predict weather of nearly all areas. The collaboration between the companies would improve both the computers and weather models to ensure better results.
As per Mary Glackin IBM is the only company globally that has the power, talent, ability and expertise to develop such a model that can work on such a massive level.
NCAR’s model would be used to run on these supercomputers. Regionals models used to forecast thunderstorm, but this was becoming challenging due to enormity of the global models. Now “convection-allowing models” would not just predict short term weather forecast but also accurate long term forecast would be predicted in advance.
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Storm-scale Model
Through this effort and advanced technology a storm-scale model would also be developed that would be able to predict weather forecast in domestic scales. Models currently available can predict weather at regional-scale like snowstorms and hurricanes, the model that would be developed could predict small scale weather that can impact weather like thunderstorms.
It would be the first model ever to forecast weather in each and every area around the world. Those areas that were previously neglected would be given importance. Thus an indication of future of meteorological science is now possible.
IBM Weather Company
Aim of the company is to ensure people predict accurate weather. It provides most accurate and actionable information to people around the world. Many businesses, marketing firms and offices depend on their forecast which is given through The Weather Channel ( and Weather Underground (
Details of IBM
- Forecasts given by IBM daily is around tens of billions of forecasts
- Personal weather stations are 250,000
- Best weather app and website
- Provides largest weather forecast platform
NCAR is a research center, federa.lly funded and sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Aim is to provide research, education and atmospheric services. It is managed by UCAR. UCAR is group of 110 universities that work on research and training in atmospheric sector.
The collaboration couldn’t get better than this. It is a huge public private team work with the mission to bring advancement in weather forecast.
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