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Do you really need a smart fitness bar?

smart fitness bar

The fitness world is getting a makeover. A lot of brands are shifting into the fitness industry. This trend has come forward in the form of fitbits and watches or trackers that note down how many calories you have burnt. These devices are really popular in the fitness-tech industry and the latest one is a smart fitness bar. With the fitness-tech industry booming there are a lot of talented startups chiming in the game trying to innovate gadgets that make life easy.

The smart fitness bar counts your reps

A Miami based company is carving new dimensions in the fitness industry by making “smart gym equipment”. They have sensors incorporated in gym style devices that help you monitor your fitness track. Forza has made a smart fitness bar that is the first of its kind wireless pull up bar in the fitness-tech industry. The fitness company believes in making technology human. The main focus is to make the point of good health more social, interactive and mobile. The startup has been involved in making the smart bar for over a year.

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The smart fitness bar has multi grip design with a rep count sensor. It also has high gauge steel and is a step in setting up your own personal gym. The sensors can track your calories burnt, your heart rate and keep a track on your reps. Plus, it is portable with a quick assembly time of 30 seconds. The data is then wirelessly transferred over to the app by the company which gives you a track of your progress. You can hold friendly competitions with your friends as well.

The device is available now for pre-order price of $99. The company will run another $50 at full retail so it is time to start saving up for the smart fitness bar.

Image via liveforza